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Is 'Golden Compass' 'selling atheism to kids'?
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I do my best to stay out of these arguments simply because I see so much ignorance in those who proclaim themselves enlightened; particularly lacking in their capacity for reasonable argument, rationale, logic, and tolerance for another's belief/opinion/view... ...but that is plain stupid. Having read the trilogy myself (and hoping to see the film of the first book soon) I found the whole thing to be a wonderful, enchanting, absorbing, and entirely [i]fantastical[/i] children's tale. True, it touched in subtle ways upon many subjects that children will, in their inevitable way, grow to be exposed to. It has elements of spirituality, religion, magic, etc, etc... but in no more ways than something far heavier, like (for instance) Lord of The Rings (ooh, goblins, evil sorcerors, etc). It will be a shame if the film really has 'watered down his critique', as I found Pullman's approach to the subject highly refreshing and thought provoking. This strikes me as yet another argument instigated by those who advocate the enforced ignorance and carefully crafted indoctrination of the masses. You might as well accuse the author of selling 'free thinking' or 'imagination' to children. In a way, I think that's exactly what they're taking exception to. What a total great steaming pile of ****. Ooh, Im angry. :mad: I must say that I'm shocked by the reaction of the Catholic quarter; a positive response from a church representative of the most active stupefaction of the masses was rather unexpected. A church responsible for ensuring the continuing third-world status of Ireland, for example, really should be condemning this work as that of Satan herself, or something. Perhaps they're being crafty?? *shifty look* EDIT: I knew I'd posted it somewhere - I enjoyed the trilogy so much, I was heart-broken to have reached the end of it: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/22607]His Dark Materials[/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 12-04-2007 16:05)[/small]
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