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Is 'Golden Compass' 'selling atheism to kids'?
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[quote] [b]jade said:[/b] For Christians and I mean for those who really are trying to be good Christians in every sense of what being a devout, not cold, not lukewarm but hot with the the fire of love for Christ and his teachings, should we accept socially and culturally that sleeping around is part of life. Should we just shrug and look the other way and say it doesn't involve me or my life and just about everybody is doing it so why the big deal. For me this is just giving in to what the opposite of Good wants us to definitely feel. I am speaking for me and not pointing anyone out here this forum. For me,, and this is just the way I believe, it degrades to human body when its shared many times with no love. And this is what bothers me about movies, shows, etc...that many young children and adults think its ok. I know in the end it all comes down to family upbringing in morality and responsiblity. But you have to agree that the media controls the masses in every area of peoples lives...What you see on the screen has definitely shaped many young to adult lives especially in the area of sexual relationships. [/quote] I never said you had to accept what is being portrayed into your own personal value system. As individuals, we have the right to live our lives the way we choose. If you choose not to watch certain forms of media because you believe they have a bad influence on you, that is your right, and I admire your strength of character. However, I do [b]not[/b] agree that "the media controls the masses in every area of peoples' lives." Does what we see and hear influence our way of thinking? Most certainly. Everyone is influenced to some extent by their culture. But does this mean that these influences "control" us? It most certainly does not. Are you saying that we are all mindless drones who are buffeted and blown whichever way the media winds blow? Would you really so easily strip us of the ability to think for ourselves? I want to emphasize this: if you feel that your relationship with God is better served by avoiding certain forms of media, then I think you need to do what you feel is right in your spirit. If you feel that certain forms of media might have a negative effect on your children, it is your right to forbid them from watching this media, at least up to a certain age. But every individual has to make these choices for themselves at some point. Not being a parent myself, I would not presume to tell anyone how to raise their children or others, but it would seem to me that education and proper knowledge, rather than ignorance, are the most effective defenses against negative influences. But I'm getting off track a little (yet again). The point I want to make is that the choices you make as an individual concerning what media you consume are within your rights. But once you start deciding what other people can consume, you have crossed a line. Morality cannot be legislated or enforced. While it is true that many of our laws punish acts that most would consider immoral, these acts are not punished [i]because[/i] they are considered immoral--they are punished because they threaten to break the bonds that hold society together. At least in free, democratic countries like the United States, individual choice is still respected in most areas as long as that choice does not result in harm to society in general. Most sane individuals agree that murder and theft are very detrimental to society. But there is disagreement as to whether or not sexual promiscuity is also detrimental. Many people accept it as a fact of life. I'm sure you can see the difference here. Important note: I am aware that you have not explicitly advocated enforcing morality on others, but it seems to me that this is where your argument is leading. If I have misconstrued your posts, please let me know. In fact, I have heard how you feel about certain forms of media, but I would like to hear what exactly you think should be done about them. Is there some course of action that you feel should be taken? [img]http://www.liminality.org/asylum/sigs/suho_text_factory_02.gif[/img] ___________________________ Suho: [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/4837]Cell 270[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5689]Sig Rotator[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/22173]the Fellowship of Sup[/url]
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