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Is 'Golden Compass' 'selling atheism to kids'?
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[quote]In fact, I have heard how you feel about certain forms of media, but I would like to hear what exactly you think should be done about them. Is there some course of action that you feel should be taken?[/quote] I always hope for a better world. I just believe persons who are given & able to posess with reason and good can stop giving into their animalistic nature. Well the only one thing I can say for sure is "I can pray for change for the very disturbed in the world we live in." I believe prayer with many can literally move mountains"...But, what I pray most about is that some Christians not take a defeatist attitude like " since its the way of the world in these times even if its contrary to what I believe, how can I make a difference." This is a weakness of which many of us are guilty of. Rather than be vocal and pray against it we become one with it. Before in older times sexual promiscuity was done with guilt or remorse and in hiding. Now, its considered a way of living to check out someone before you marry to see if they are compatible then maybe I will one day marry them or maybe not. Or maybe just to have a mate to keep me warm with no commitment. Its like trying on a shoe that fits but when it becomes worn or you tire of them & buy another new pair for newness. Its fear of trust and commitment. Many persons don't want to commit for fear of loosing or to settle for less. I know of many Christians who live together without commitment and think it has no bearing or their faith...Like I am an adult and I can decide what I want.. Which is fine for them.. But don't say you are Christian and then live against Christ teachings. Then be a strong advocate for Christianity. One tends to take these persons as not being a serious Christian. Followers will follow one who does a good job of trying to be a good model of Christian life. Christians are called to be Christ-like....that is what being a Christian is about. Teach Christianity and when its necessary use words. A certain friend of mine goes to Pentecostal church and is very spirit filled but she goes to clubs to look for guys and maybe if she is lucky she thinks, she can end up with a nice guy as a possible boyfriend but before then she sleeps, and sleeps with him on a regular basis...Then she comes to church and praises the Lord like her sex life has no bearing on her faith. Her faith is about her relationship with God and if she knows its not right, its between her and God. Suho...you know its not for me to judge and she knows how I believe. The subject of her love life is something we talk about and she knows I condone promescuity, etc...but as a person who thinks this way... she could be the victim in a society that has given in to the way society has viewed sexual promiscuity like its not a big deal in regard to being Christian.
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