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Is 'Golden Compass' 'selling atheism to kids'?
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[quote] [b]Gideon said:[/b] Far too many children are going to watch this film and be affected by it, perhaps deeply, with no parental counseling. [/quote] Suho covered one incredibly important point. Let me grab another - That there is any concern over "this movie" planting the seeds of anarchy, atheism, or any other thing that some parents might find objectionable, then people *really* need to get a grip on reality. That these books were written by an open atheist is the *only* reason religious groups are throwing a fit. The number of films, books, magazines, web sites, tv shows, songs, videos, bill boards, t-shirts, tatoos, sky-writing, friends, relatives, teachers, and random strangers that will expose children to information and ideas that some parents will find objectionable, and that will affect children in a far greater extent than this movie is so ridiculously large that this movie really isn't worth mentioning in this context. FWIW
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