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Is 'Golden Compass' 'selling atheism to kids'?
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[quote] [b]Bugimus said:[/b] While I agree this is true for some, others are motivated by a true concern for the welfare of children growing up in this society. I simply cannot accept that the highest ideal we hold up is to let children decide whatever they want. [/quote] I have never said anything about simply letting children decide on their own, with no guidance from their parents. Guidance from their parents is exactly the point I am trying to make. The people attacking this movie are not doing so in defense of christian orphans who might wonder into a theater to keep warm and accidentally be converted to atheists because nobody is their to protect them ;) They are doing so because they wish to abolish any expression of atheistic ideas, and would like us all to think that their children will be done irreparable harm by being exposed to such ideas. I am quite certain that 1) their children have seen far far far worse things and 2) whatever ideas that a parent finds questionable in the movie can easily be dealt with, and no harm of any sort will be done.
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