OZONE Asylum
Argo Navis is...
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Giving a mysterious title to this thread on purpose. I guess it could fit in the "outpatient" counselling section. Or in the philosilliness section for that matter. I haven't talked much about myself yet, and what's next is important to me : through this new thread, I am willing to make a social experiment. Of giving and taking, so hang on tight, goodies ahead. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What does make, or break, success, in your opinion? In mine, it is personality. More specifically, confidence. And even more specifically : you cannot communicate what you are not. As information does tend to be free, a quirky personality will convey quirks, and cause quirks in relationships. An angry personality will convey anger. On the other hand, a cool and confident personality will convey... Got it? :cool: So, who am I? A man, and a free minded one. A hell of a strong minded one, even. Why Argo Navis? I explained earlier it was the mythological "vessel of victory", and a former constellation, Wikipedia me as needed for more informations. What do I do? Consulting, at the moment, for major firms. DHL at the moment, 500'000 employees, I am on HP-UX/Sybase apps in their headquarters these days, in Prague. Where do I live? This is difficult to explain. Let's say "all around the world (for the funk like George Clinton or Redman)". I have a homebase, but have been here, and there, and have kept travelling for the past 12 months. Why do I explain this? Because the confidence I am talking about is a SKILL, one that can be taught and learnt. One that can drive a man from having the social skills of a cactus to something very different. AND because I need you. Things are changing in my life at a tremendous speed, and it's time for some BIG decision making - might as well query one of the most advanced "new ideas generator" on earth. Also known as the "Ozone Asylum"..
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