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My opinion on success? I believe success has nothing to do with possessions, income, popularity, or respect. I measure success by wisdom. I'm not talking about wisdom as some may think. Wisdom as I see it is knowing right from wrong and always picking right irregardless of the outcome, even if it means death. Since Buddhism and Judaism have different teachings, both cannot be right and both may be wrong. I believe in Christianity (Baptist to be exact), thus I believe that I can become more wise as I learn and practice God's teachings in the Holy Bible. I believe this as a fact, and I would die before I would deny that. A Buddhist monk would be exactly the same way with the Dharma. But both teachings cannot be right. This is even more so as the fact that Christianity and Buddhism are very diverse religions. So, my belief on success isn't what I gain materialistically, but what I gain eternally in heaven. What I gain materialistically are just tools for success. I am not saying I am right or I am better than anyone else. I'm just saying that whenever there is a conflict between beliefs, both cannot be right. I sort of like how diverse everyone in here is, opens doors to possibilities and allows things to be seen from another's point of view. When two or more individuals have a debate or argument, it's about their beliefs. If everyone believed the same thing, irregardless of whether it is right or wrong, there will be no conflict in the world. Everyone can change their beliefs, though some are harder to change than others. Nobody is so firm in a belief that they cannot be moved from it, even I. So, if I end up denying my beliefs in this post later in my life, I pity my future self. So, there is my 2 cents. :) [url=http://www.zavaboy.com][img]http://asylum.zavaboy.com/zavaboy.gif[/img][/url]
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