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Well, yes and : low self esteem can be developed in two ways - bullying your kids into believing they cannot, or spoiling them into believing they cannot. Getting both from the two parents is the worst case. These make for adults that are not aware of their true capabilities, not self-reliant, and have a low "self deservednes", on a subconscious level. So they develop EGO rather than self esteem, or no self esteem and no ego and it shows. Whereas healthy adults believe deep inside they have a right to being happy, a right to enjoying life, themselves, and thus, invest healthy energy in pursuing healthy and clear purposes. ..So self confidence, when natural and developed, makes for that "shine" and charisma you mentionned, and FORTUNATELY, a broken self esteem can be rebuilt. ............................................ More good news : succes is VERY PERSONAL, mine is not yours, yours is not mine, but it DOES boil down to enjoying oneself deeply - for some it's about friends, for some it's about yoyo. For everybody, it is well deserved as long as it doesn't imply violating the boundaries of other people. Simple as that. Cheers.
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