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I'm sorry for not clarifying respect. I meant the expectation of respect. Just because you may be respected doesn't mean your successful. Some may respect you because they know you'll snap their head off if they don't or some may respect you because you are kind and loving and they feel bad when they disrespect you. You believe that respecting others and oneself has everything to do with respect, I believe that it has at lot to do with success, but not everything. I disgree with you that there isn't perfect wisdom. It's there, but it can never be reached by anyone except Christ, because everyone on earth is a sinner. I would define success as "the pursuit of happiness." Most people miss what that really means and what it was intended to mean as it was written in the United States Declaration of Independence. But people falsely associate happiness with money when it has already been proven that [url=http://www.happyplanetindex.org/map.htm]the happiest people in the world are in the poorest countries[/url]. And why do you think [url=http://www.helium.com/knowledge/32385-christian-understanding-happiness]Christians are generally happier than everyone else[/url]? When "the pursuit of happiness" was written in the Declaration of Independence, the writer intended it to be obeying the laws set down by God, or the Ten Commandments. If these laws are obeyed, got will bless us, thus making us truly happy, happiness that can last through a lifetime of hardships. I'm not a debater much, but when my beliefs are challenged, I have to stand up for them. If you disagree with my beliefs, then so be it. [url=http://www.zavaboy.com][img]http://asylum.zavaboy.com/zavaboy.gif[/img][/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4778]zavaboy[/url] on 12-20-2007 22:37)[/small]
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