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[quote] [b]zavaboy said:[/b] it has already been proven that the happiest people in the world are in the poorest countries. And why do you think Christians are generally happier than everyone else? When "the pursuit of happiness" was written in the Declaration of Independence, the writer intended it to be obeying the laws set down by God, or the Ten Commandments. If these laws are obeyed, got will bless us, thus making us truly happy, happiness that can last through a lifetime of hardships. [/quote] 1) I fail to see how that silly report is proof of...anything, especially that the poorest people are the happiest... :confused: 2) I certainly saw nothing in the link to suggest any evidence for christians being happier than anyone else 3) Happiness used as a measure of success is strikingly more buddhist than christian I would say ;) The key of course is to simply stop desiring more, and you'll be happier with your life... 4) I can assure you that 'obeying the 10 commandments' was not in any way what Jefferson had in mind when he wrote 'the pursuit of happiness' FWIW
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