OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
I will change everything about myself.
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Then you should wonder about [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/29861]What you can do to help prevent the downfall,[/url] because the only thing we can learn to control is ourselves. It is impossible and counter productive to try and control others or outer factors. ...The world got to this point because we didn't evolve from our tribal instincts as fast as our societies evolved, and people lost their identity : they find themselves, most of them, striving to simply know who they are - thus, as you pointed out, the most important factors causing these issues are fear and pain - more often that not quirks of PERCEPTION without roots in reality (think about the story of water, which is a scientific fact rooted in behavioral theory and biolody - don't take my word for it, see for yourself that we are programmed with some unconscious fears and motivators called "signals" or "stimulis" or "stimuluses" for an engrish form). As for other people : Bugimus made it clear that he seconds many of my views on this topic of self esteem - I strongly recommend you seek for answers in sociology and biology - and psychology, three topics that do explain a lot of what is personal and interpersonal, and how much of the things that cause these fears are ILLUSIONS. Illusion that a gangsta cannot be liked by a girl, inducing rape - never excusing it, but.. The illusion that one cannot be accepted in society without (money, education, you name it), causes sorrow, depression, and favors criminal behavior. The illusion that possession defines an individual causes "bragging and nagging" and plain relationship quirks - it also causes jealousy and unfair practices in competition. The illusion we are not worthy of what we desire tends to materialize itself - thus, a deep (and difficult) internal shift in perception tends to materialize happiness, as unlikely as it may seem. That is why I think happiness is a choice. Fwiw..
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