OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
I will change everything about myself.
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As a curious being... Believe me, I come from a background of low personal power. And power is something that comes from inside, it is both the consequence of a conscious decision and a way to approach life - so if knowledge is power, which is vastly arguable but partly true I think, then... [quote] I will not fear for fear is the mind killer. Never cry, never scream, never dream, never die. [/quote] Knowledge of the self means accepting limits to the self. Emotions are okay. Going through emotions is okay, it actually is great. Dwelving into the negative emotions is destructive, it drives oneself to fear, and to focusing only on the limits - rather than on... The POWER to overcome those. And that power begins with - to wrap my thoughts up - the decision to overcome one's limits - yet the road takes time. So welcome to this hard road that every human being out there walks, to a degree.
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