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I will change everything about myself.
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tj333, I am willing to help the best I can : I think asking proprer questions matters more than the answers you could get from me - asking yourself the right questions will lead yourself to your own, and more accurate answers, in other words. SO : don't take anything coming from me as "personal towards you" since I do not know you - of course, communication is based on response, but here I am not responding to your identity - I am responding to words and ideas - no judgement, period. Whatever Nietzsche, Frank Herbert, anyone have written is ideas, useful or not, they are questionable, and may only be applied as much as they apply to your situation. >> Understanding has no consistent connection to fear. In my perception : personal weaknesses, everyone has, so they are ok. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accepting them is step 1) Observing them is step 2) Knowing where they stem from is step 3) Then FACING the origin of those fears is step 4) And all this should happen under the light of "it's ok" to keep the motivation and a clear, unique direction. Then comes comparing those fears against reality. Real world example : if I am afraid of diving into water, will I really get hurt if I dive? Step 5) ... The answer here is : diving first feels awkward... but then, gently, the body gets used to the water. The temperature adjusts. And it turns into a wonderful experience. It turns into a lot of comfortable fun. But then... when you get out of the water, sleep a night over it, and come to the swimming pool the next day, what happens? The same thing allover again - this time knowing water will not kill you, still. And feeling the fear, still. ...Fear of water is rooted in our genes, not our minds, for our ancestors could not swim and would die easilly in water - think fossile Lucy for one - so intellectualisation only works to an extent - and consciously fighting fear works to an extent. In this situation, fear is part of a natural process, but the water feels so good THEN. And it is okay if the next day, the fear comes back in. You cannot get rid of such fears completely. And it just is ok as long as you let yourself enter the water, and feel the experience, with the fear - keeping the goal in mind while accepting the whole process, and the fear that is part of it, THUS working around limits that, indeed, you cannot remove from your persona. ... With time though, overcoming the fear of water may become a reflex, and to a large extent, compensate for the genetic programming.
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