OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
I will change everything about myself.
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I think your rant on the fear of water is bad evolutionary psychology. But, yes, that is besides the point. It is about facing a fear that you have. The big picture is a better world. The detail is a better Canada. The means are not goals but knowledge. Or is knowledge the goals along my path? I seem to reject anyhting that sounds like be happy and think positive and it will all work out. Ability/power is what will make it all work out. Or to put it another way, self esteem and self realization are meaningless word. What has meaning is the knowledge about what I can do, but is that not self esteem and realization? Perhaps I should not dismiss those methods so readily. Do I see myself as a tool for a task and nothing more? Yes, I think I do. I throw myself into what I have been told to do but do little to move myself. Until now. Now I recreate that tool by my own will. [small]it is by will alone that I set my mind in motion.[/small] I am uncertain about how that makes me feel. The realization has made me happy. But a sadness followed it. Is that proof that I have again set myself on an unsatisfactory life path and I do not want to admit it to myself. Or am I just falling prey to the idea (social pressure/examples that) that family and sex/children are happiness? For I cannot see what it is that I lack to bring the sadness but family/girlfriend and sex/children come to mind. On a side note: My self questioning writing style shows that I am uncertain about what I think. Or is it just the thought that any extreme or monolithic idea has a high probability to be wrong? So that i show the counter to my own idea within itself so that you can see what it is about. [quote]What kinds of hobbies entertain you most? Etc...[/quote] The ones where I build and create. Or is that power? The Will to Power that drives me? Is my writing difficult to read and make some sense of? I know from comments in other places that my style can be hard to follow. At first I was worried about the lack of responses here as compared to some other threads. But now I realize that I am questioning myself more then I am looking for input from others (And neither is this a hot button topic like evolution.). Not to say that I do not want you respond, question, or tell me about your own beliefs but that this thread seems to be serving it's purpose as is. __________________________ Eagles get sucked into jet engines and weasels are oft maligned, but beavers just make nice hats. [url=http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/]WCG[/url]|[url=http://fightaidsathome.scripps.edu/]FA@H[/url]
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