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I am a thief
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I use adblock. The thing with Adblock is, that I can configure it to allow those things that I may want to see through, and filter out those that I know I do not wish to see (like really annoying adds, for example). It is not stealing, not at all. Thus, I agree with this [quote]Adblock exists because of irresponsible webmasters who?ve allowed inappropriate, distracting, bandwidth-intensive advertisements from choked servers to load up in their pages. The internet isn?t remotely similar to television. The internet is and will always be about sharing information freely and openly, so please stop complaining about those of us who sometimes want to cruise the net without the marketing and commercialization. Not buying into something doesn?t make a person a thief. I don?t consider a visitor to any of my web sites who doesn?t click an ad as a thief any more than I consider uploading an unwanted ad or cookie as thieving my bandwidth and my time. If you leave your site open for viewing by anyone, then making money with advertisements on-line is a bonus, not a right. You have no more right to display advertising than people that have the right to block it. It's not a morality issue...it's the internet. There is no need to be overly concerned. If your site?s ads aren?t intrusive and are appropriate, people won't block them because they won't need to. If your site's content is valuable and popular, you can find other more creative ways to advertise on-line or charge a subscription for it. If Honest Web Master has a means of "blocking the blockers" from viewing content, then there shouldn't be any complaints; Honest Web Master won't use up bandwidth and we'll cruise somewhere else.[/quote] If the idiot wants to direct me to another page, fine. I do not have to visit his website, either. And another potential visitor gone. Obviously, that individual does not have an inkling about how the internet works. One tries to keep visitors, not chase them off. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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