OZONE Asylum
The true power of the Asylum
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Have to write this one down before wandering off to some real world stuff... Good reads about the topics "web 2.0" and related design patterns : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/windows/rishi/archives/beyond-web-20-15393 http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html?page=5 I usually do not like labels, but in the perspective highlighted above, web 2.0 makes a lot of sense. And web 3.0 makes some more, even. Now, we have a great variety of individuals here with different skillsets. This is good. Most people are versatile, some are highly specialized to a degree that makes them outstanding. More good stuff. ... SO I wonder... is there some generic "purpose" to the Asylum? And if there is, by paying close attention to that purpose, defining it in words, can't we get to define, and "frame" our reality so well that the Asylum would -never- die and would be fit to stand challenges of the evolving technologies for years? I actually "coined" such a purpose recently : what makes the Asylum so unique is a whole, complex mindset - a batch of ideas that ARE truely unique, and that are the result of the complex interactions of humans inside the walls. For example : Mahjqa pops back and what he expresses is welcome because we subconsciously or consciously abide to some ideas and communication codes that work among us. Izzy comes, and sees evil pigs in Rorschach sigs :) All this outlines the true value of the Asylum : IDEAS produced around - and the way those ideas merge, clash, interact to form a larger "mindset" for the lack of a better word. ... It even works when people do not communicate for a couple of years : I incidentally came back around at the time many other people from the past came back around. Coincidence? I can hop over to JKMabry's page and have a good laughter, because his humor now crosses cultural boundaries and "sMurfs", er... "surfs" my way through the "communication rules" established here. http://www.disk919.com/ (random thoughts, pick and tear to bits and pieces as needed).
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