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Clipping based animation example
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[url=http://images.google.ch/images?q=argo+navis+nebula&svnum=10&um=1&hl=fr&start=21&sa=N&ndsp=21]Google + Hubble.[/url] To be specific, although the above is the exact query I used and dug through, you can find some Hubble info on "Carina Nebula" here : http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2007/16/image/a/ And more, higher res pics. What's really stunning about this image is that you can have a super size display, and it will still occupy the whole and... It is REAL. It's a photo : nebulas are fascinating to me because they are "star nests", and several light years big - basically, this picture, no matter it's size, represents something that can contain billion times the whole earth, and that constantly sees nuclear fusion starting, as stars depart from the nest to feed whole solar systems with... (what I refer to as my "God" : LIFE). ------------------------------------------------------- Back to earth with poi's points : >> It'd be a lot easier to use a background image and simply size the container using percentages. Yeah, I know there are gazillion ways to do it, or any effect, as my 20 liners "sub entries" for this month show. I wanted : a) to get familiar with js again after two years doing nothing worthy of interest with it b) I wanted that exact pacing for the animation, wanted to control each pixel c) I wanted to test some browser possibilities and limits : clipping, how fast clipping works, does it work consistently across browsers, does it imply "css tricks" (it does : it works a lot better across browsers when applied to a div containing an image). Furthermore, for big scripts like this, I like hacks that are robust - eg. resist over time, and I like to lay out the script in a readable /maintainable way. So there were reasons, yup, but thanks for the two cents nonetheless.
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