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Arthurio: I was the inmate mentioned by argo. I agree with what you said in principle (by the way, you really put some effort in giving feedback, this is great basis for discussion); you comments were sound, from a visual point of view. To make things a bit clearer, what I mentioned to argo (which I should have taken the time to copy here, my apologies) was that his buttons did not look like buttons, both in their visual aspect and behaviours: they give no hint that they actually are clickable (even the pointing cursor was missing). I am talking more from a usability point of view - although I still think the page mixes too many style. The trouble is here that he is in fact promoting a product - which should be the call for action on his page, in one way or another. Again, the menu on the right does not look like a neat, modern menu, and the menu items could do a better job of making me feel like clicking on them. Look [url=http://www.csszengarden.com/?cssfile=170/170.css]here [/url], [url=http://www.csszengarden.com/?cssfile=135/135.css]here [/url]or [url=http://www.csszengarden.com/?cssfile=149/149.css]here[/url] for example; there is a very fine line between a good a bad design. Things that works are good contrast, fine/subtle lines, a good/balanced [url=http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html ]colour scheme [/url], etc. [edit] How spooky, I was going to suggest a semi transparent menu :eek: [/edit] [edit II] I really like the left-hand side now, but still think the "Démarrer" button should be placed elsewhere, more in evidence, and separated from the login zone - unless what it does is effectively to log you in, in which case it should bare a more common label, such as "s'identifier", or whatever is in use in French[/edit] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/5434]kimson[/url] on 03-07-2008 14:10)[/small] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/5434]kimson[/url] on 03-07-2008 14:13)[/small]
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