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Okay. Mind the corrections : [b]>> You should know we've never allowed html around these parts...[/b] It was, back in the ubb days, and it still is possible in ubb : I genuinely did not know. I remember I demonstrated the first examples of "CSS" through it, and that there was a huge debate back then : I do not remember the details and what followed. [b]>> If flash was supported it would have it's own ubb code.[/b] Flash automated export is subject to problems, see www.alistapart.com Flash Satay for details. That is why I left the code in my above post, "blatantly" : because it does "satay" and it does "hide as much as possible from an embeded youtube movie", it is of interest to inmates who use Flash. If such a tag is to be added, I recommend some precautions, while keeping a maximum flexibility as well : the above "trick" is simple, but 1x1 youtube movies make for a nice way to stream music - at the expense of nobody since Youtube want to stream contents. Frankly, Flash can hardly be ignored as a web development tool, and nowadays, it can be decently mixed to dhtml, and used for transparent sigs as well - so [b]I[/b] would love a "Flash movie" ubb. Especially since "video" will be part of HTML5 in the future - it's the "zeitgeist", might as well lend an ear. [url=http://www.beyondwonderland.com][img]http://www.beyondwonderland.com/images/logo_golden.gif[/img][/url] (besides : "should know" do help confusion during discussion - I am no telepath, nobody that I know really is) [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6553]argo navis[/url] on 01-04-2008 14:13)[/small]
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