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The future of technology and societies
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Better be in a deep mood, cause we'll be deep here - hang tight. Many philosophical questions will be raised along the way - all I will do is expose scientific facts. I said it recently : "you have to think it through to believe it". So, let's start "backwards", with some assumptions/conclusions : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The impact of what I am trying to summarize is a deeper change than we can imagine in our societies - the "time traveller guy" had some great points, wether he was fake or real himself : I believe that tomorrow is about individuals complementing each other and acting as a whole - NOT about national pride, religious pride, tomorrow is not about ego. Tomorrow is not about "who has the best belief", it is about "how different beliefs can complement each other and evolve from one another" for a better perception and integration of mankind into reality. It is about mankind finding it's common "soul" and tuning in to it. Tomorrow is about a global society where "walls" of all kinds tend to become thinner and people will have to develop the best of their individuality to serve the whole - competition and the principles of evolution will still apply, but the economy and industry will be very different and our everyday life will be very different. The theory behind these conclusions could easilly turn into a novel sized post - so I'll cut what's next, paste it to a text file, and preserve it for counter arguments. [url=http://www.beyondwonderland.com][img]http://www.beyondwonderland.com/images/logo_golden.gif[/img][/url]
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