OZONE Asylum
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The future of technology and societies
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Okay for your views Webby, but :) I think they are self limiting beliefs (at a global scale) - eg. I think that if mankind takes that route, it's the route to oblivion and self destruction - it cannot work through conflict. Why do I think so? Because technology is becoming more and more open source BY DESIGN. Information tends to be free - hence the ever increasing difficulties in securing information, internet is meant for data exchange, go patch that. Ajax and Flex have huge security drawbacks... by their very nature. And the same goes for Java and .Net : in the course of securing my own app, I find that the best security I can give to the source code is... Breakable in 5 minutes and at no expanse regardless of the complexity of what I use to do it. The same goes for all .Net apps, so future apps based on that framework, while providing the USER with more security about their data, will be more prone themselves to reverse engineering. All the current software technologies converge towards one thing : sources will get readable. Information tends to be free by it's very nature, and information carriers tend to be free by design, as a consequence - competing is therefore counter productive, and will only result in losses.
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