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:) I am NOT calling you a standard nazi, I'd be that myself if there was anything like crystal clear standards. Iframe with/without readystated, DOMlisteners here, embeds there, objects here. I understand you're "hammered" with views from the Opera personel all the time, and this casually leads to some confusion : CSS "matrix" is not a standard per se, and I don't see the benefit when opposed to this approach. It's slick. But? YOU certainly see the benefit and can do great web stuff - I just do not get this special case and to me it would transpose all my images to css - so with css disabled, no images. The Christmas card in IE7 : sometimes it shifted to some "align left", completely out of the main column. But then, my "constellation clipping based scriplet" was crippled as well in IE7, sometimes it would fail to detect the proper window size. IE7 is hell for compatibility, this is clear, but not all the rest is as smooth as it should be in all browsers (what's with Safari ruining my CSS centering?). Most of your tips are good as I said : just rediscovered that iframe is not yet a standard (wtf?) and that I can shove readystate in contexts other than use of xhr. ...But in the end, I guess it boils down to "all browsers suck" and "working on Sunday is bad for a person's nerves" :) So I'll grant you one point : this beta is lacking in stability. I still am proud of the idea and mix of technologies so let's call it even and have a cup of coffe *hands a cup of coffee to poi*
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