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1) Yeah, I know the CSS matrix, thanks for the clarification, will try that somewhere else and see if it works for me. 2) I also found a hack for CSS centering with absolute positionning. 3) I have not yet fixed the "1000 milliseconds error", not certain how to work around it, but it's not hindering functionality. 4) Now a question. Basically, I query my php snippet, on www.mydomain.com , which in turn extracts and returns the proper identifier for a given flv resource. So far, so good. I load it to an iframe, which messes up things because I have no control on the readystate for that - silly. And I do not like dojo or jquery workarounds. I'd rather xhr the same php snippet - are there known cases I should worry about when retrieving the readystate for that? I want it to work on recent browsers only : Op9.2+, FF2+, IE7+, Safari 2+, and Konqueror - nothing less, and nothing more. (edit, it's all on XHR now, and works nicely - except in some rare ocurrences on... Opera ,) (but the core functionality is there and working, on to cosmetics) [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6553]argo navis[/url] on 01-14-2008 00:47)[/small]
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