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Dreamhost billing debacle
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I can speak as a Dreamhost client. While I am disappointed such a error could happen. It did and there's nothing left to do but fix it, which they are doing. I appreciate their honesty and diligence setting it right. I've had my share of big mistakes, ( i.e. Making a very, very, wrong call on a 1.5 million dollar catalog run. Wasn't my best day, I can tell you. ) So I understand and can forgive. And after all it just money, sure I don't have much, and mostly live paycheck to paycheck. But there are a lot worse things happening to those alot less fortunate then I. Sure blog was little lighthearted, but not inappropate. It's is a blog after all, not an official communication. And it's exactly what I would expect from Dreamhost. That additude is a major part of their brand along with openness, and honesty. It's very important and the additude needs to remain, it's what makes them unique. That's why I choose them out of the flock for inexpensive hosts. If I need stuffy, IIS, and corporate, I have my Infosaic account. The only thing I wish Dreamhost would have done diffrently was, let us know via email that such an error occurred. I shouldn't have to log on to their status website, blog, or subscribe to a RSS feed to find out there was a problem with something as critical as billing. I hope it doesn't negatively impact them too much. J. Stuart J. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/704]jstuartj[/url] on 01-16-2008 07:50)[/small]
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