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Thank you. :) Because "c'est dans les vieilles marmites qu'on fait les meilleures soupes". No preload is nasty, agreed, and the code could use some cleanup. Finally, as soon as I am done blogging the madnesses of the weekend, I'll kick autoplay to the curb for you my friend. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CSS matrix thing IS slick, but when I disable CSS in my browser, the layout of my page "degrades" better (eg. images still appear) when using plain old images, than it would do with a css matrix. (Btw, it's great that we have so different points of view, more power to the community, we will explore our separate ways greatly and certainly for the best). (You do a great job at defending your views, keep it up). I have many things "against" what I consider excessive CSS, all arguable : 1) CSS is implemented differently in all browsers. 2) It's an added layer, so it's added complexity (and risks for code issues - minor, granted, but see how painful it is to obtain some clean centering for one). 3) Some people disable it by conviction. 4) Some mobile devices implement it even differently than pc browsers. All in all, I am very reluctant to using "more recent" css trickery - if it has not been proved to work in all the main browsers for a year or so, I don't do it - whatever "it" is. Hope it answers some of your questions. Skipping alt attributes was plain stupid and wrong, definitely - and the rabbit logo could, and will certainly benefit some tweaks.
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