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The book of shadow - an experiment
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What about you focus on the science called "a dictionary" and look up the formal definition of a prejudice? ;D It should be something like : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> and other inmates maintain against you ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emphasis on the word "maintain" - you got the strict definition of a prejudice here. All it takes for that "science of dictionary" are a couple of neurons and fingers to turn the pages, you don't need the extra baggage - but Maz Letov on the CV - you're not hired yet ,) Now, try to observe something [b]for yourself[/b] - without connecting argo navis and InI, our *friend* Jestah didn't recognize me. Tying the two personalities, willingly ignoring my request of separating them - like you did - what does he create? Tension - because he mixes up distinct things and fosters such a confusion around him. You want that tension? I don't. It's illusionary in addition - I am not willing to bother him, nor you since 6-7 months. Some background in biology should help you connect this kind of behavior to mnesic traces and other forms of persistance - it's like KNOWING it puts him in defense mode automatically - while not knowing it didn't reach him or strike him in any way. Out of the blue, he focuses on the negative aspect he brings back from his memories - yes this is natural. But I've been around for months : compare this to the perception above, and you'll see he sees me in a light that is biased, and that if I give in to the time wasting struggle, I just fuel the tension and help him grow mountains out of molehills. Instead of helping him grow out of spontaneous agressions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only constructive thing for me to do with this all is : >> i have not forgotten about the positive contributions you have brought to this place. Put the struggle aside, and focus on the good consistently. (To phrase it your elegant way "let's not struggle with pigs in shit, I'd get dirty, and they would enjoy it" - Wow! I can do mas humor too :D;) - at least the image is explicit, wasting time in flames, Jesus) If putting the struggle aside requires a 100% "you don't like it? Feel free to get out" attitude, then so be it - just that, nothing more - there is much more fun to be made out of this thread, and out of life indeed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ In the meantime in my cell - back from the shock session ] Muhuhahaha - this google/secret/blog thing may turn into something more useful than what the guys at Arkham think ,) ...and since some dataflow has been started - the more they'd want to flame, the more they'd fuel this flow. So, my science of bullshit, called software engineering (the one used in all my positive code contributions), will obtain results from the experiment within a couple of weeks - and I will know for certain if links, then metas, etc.. are core in the pagerank algorithms. WHICH WILL SERVE MY PLOT TO CONQUER THE WORLD!!!!! Er, no. My plot to create drama. Uh, NO WAY! My plot to drag so much attention to me that I can steal the White House keys discreetly while everybody is hypnotized by my blog. Yeah, that's the one... [img]http://www.coucoucircus.org/da/images-da/minuscortex.jpg[/img] Screw that. And screw you baby boy too! :p
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