OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Indiscretion of The Hypocrite
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Actually, yes, sort of; I wrote the first four lines one night, and when I woke the next morning, I wrote the rest of it flat-out. As you can tell from the few small differences between this and the older post I've linked, it changes very slightly from one telling to another (like a story). The older post was typed from memory, while the newer one was the copy I retrieved. Hate's Harvest was also written one morning in much the same way. The Incredible Doctor Globulus was written in about ten minutes, during a writing exercise based on a random selection of words taken from a random book - one of the words was "globe", from which I derived Globulus - so I cheated somewhat. I tend to remember my poems quite clearly - but then, I haven't written that many. I usually find it far easier to write in rhyme than not to, and if it takes me too much thought (or contrivance) to get the poem written, it tends not to get written. This may well be why I haven't written for so long, as I haven't been inspired to seek outlet for my feelings. A higher level of contentment begets creative lethargy!
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