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This a very complex issue we're dealing with here. The interviewer in the video was asking the people to follow their thinking to its logical conclusion, and only the girl in the dark blue cap and glasses (second from the end) had the guts to do that. If you're going to make abortion a legal matter, you can't then turn around and say that the punishment is a moral or spiritual issue. If you're going to bring it into the legal world, there has to be a legal punishment. I think the girl in the dark blue cap provided the best answer she could possibly provide (and I was glad to see that the interviewers included it; it shows that they weren't just picking and choosing what they wanted to hear). As with murder, there are often extenuating circumstances, and not all murderers receive life sentences (some murderers aren't even convicted, but that's a failure of the legal system). If you want to look at abortion from a moral standpoint alone, though, I think that people should have the right to protest peacefully. We protest wars and other things we feel are wrong, do we not? The demonstrations that Jade has participated in seem well within the bounds of what is reasonable. The problem, though, is this: if you are going to claim that abortion is murder, then it is both socially and morally irresponsible of you not to seek a law against it. No civilized person would ever dream of doing away with laws against murder, so why would we not have a law against abortion if it is indeed murder? Unlike the killing of a non-fetal human being, abortion can never be considered manslaughter. It is always murder because it is always premeditated--if you go to a clinic or even have someone do a less-than-safe procedure, that's premeditation. If there's no premeditation, then it's not really abortion, it's accidental miscarriage (say, for example, in a fit of hysteria or depression you strike the womb and cause a miscarriage). So abortion would always be murder, and should be treated as such legally. What I'm saying is this: while it would appear that one way of avoiding the hard question asked in this interview is to keep one's protest against abortion out of the legal realm, it is in fact very difficult to separate the morality and legality of the issue. If you believe abortion is immoral, you need to ask yourself why you believe so. If your answer has anything to do with the taking of a human life, then you have both a moral and social obligation to treat the issue legally. You can't simply say, "Well, it's between the woman and God" and leave it at that. The protesters went part of the way toward that, but except for the girl I mentioned above, none of them had the guts to follow their convictions through to its logical conclusion. Either you think abortion is morally [b]and[/b] legally wrong, or you don't. I have a hard time with this question. It is easy to judge in the abstract, when the idea of having an abortion is merely a philosophical exercise, but what happens when you are faced with the reality of an actual situation? Things that once seemed black and white can begin to look pretty gray. WS: perhaps you could clarify what question it is that you want Jade to reply to (and why you feel Jade should reply). You never actually asked a question in your post. (Unless you mean, "It's an interesting question, isn't it?" In which case, the reply will probably be, "Yes." ;)) [img]http://www.liminality.org/asylum/sigs/suho_text_factory_02.gif[/img] ___________________________ Suho: [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/4837]Cell 270[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5689]Sig Rotator[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/22173]the Fellowship of Sup[/url]
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