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This is an easy question?for me. If abortions were declared illegal, any woman who chooses to and the doctor who does the procedure for her should be punished as well with jail time & maybe huge fines. Whatever the courts decide. To kill with intent to take away human life is murder and they should be prosecuted. Are we going to guess that the baby in the womb is human or not? Mental state could considered if she was insane or retarted. Emotionally unstable would be determined and considered. You break the law you pay the price. Consider this: If a pregnant woman is attacked, and her unborn child is killed as a result, what should be the attacker?s punishment (for the death of the unborn child and not for either harm to the mother or the lack of opportunity for parenthood)? (Scott Peterson was charged with two deaths). Stacy and her unborn. A. Should the punishment be different depending upon whether the pregnant woman intended to have an abortion? If so, what should that different punishment be? B. Should the punishment be different depending upon how developed the unborn child is? If so, what are those differences in development and what should the different punishment(s) be? C. If the woman was attacked during a partial birth abortion, and the baby?s body (but not the head) had been delivered, should the punishment be different and, if so, what should it be? There was a case where two teens killed their unborn in a motel room and put him in a dumpster to alleviate their problem. I forgot how they did it. They were both caught and charged with murder. And the prosecutor wanted to get the death penaty for them.. I will have to research to find the case. Because I don't remember what the pushisment for the crime was.
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