OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
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I don't know if that one girl was the camera person showing they interviewed several different people. I'm sure most people who do these things are there for their "religious duty." Like a pastor or priest asked them to do it. But I hardly think that video was a good sampling. It is sad tho...even if a few people are doing it and not knowing why. Maybe they'll think about it now. Gideon's answer: If abortion is made illegal it should get the same penalties as that of murdering an infant. Another question: is abortion the same as euthanasia of elderly, terminally ill, and the mentally/severally physically handicapped? In my mind it is the same type of killing that says, "This person is too much of a burden to live." And to be fair to these people, I was asked on my Eagle scout board of review as a 16 year old whether I thought abortion should be illegal or not. I had no clue then. After that question, tho, I have thought many, many hours on the subject.
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