OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
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What a fantastic idea! Some crackhead shoots someone in a drug-crazed stupor, and he gets help for his addiction. A woman with no means to support a child has her pregnancy terminated, and sits on Death Row. ___ It's interesting, Gideon, that you raise the issue of euthanasia; I'm a strong believer in my right to be free from suffering, and I'd happily grant that right to my anyone else that wishes it. If your dog was so badly afflicted by injury or illness that every moment it lives is unbearable suffering, you'd put the poor little sod out of its misery, right? Yet, modern medicine seems to be geared to prolong life regardless, rather than easing suffering. It seems perfectly reasonable to keep someone alive, even while they suffer every moment they live, because it would be murder to aid their request to die. In short, a dog (or a murderer, essentially) has more rights than a suffering human. If I were to be paralysed from the neck down tomorrow, and there was no chance I could ever regain sensation and movement, my father would be kind enough to put a pillow over my face. He has promised me this, as I have him. He would not be a murderer, but simply granting me the right to be freed from a useless body in a pointless life; it is a freedom I would demand, and feel I have every right to. Simply put, I would rather spend years in prison for murder, than visit such an evil fate upon another as to force them to live against their wishes. I feel as strongly about this as you may your God, and it sickens me when I see what sort of life some have had thrust upon them in a world where nature's controls are regularly and thoughtlessly circumvented.
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