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[quote]I'm torn between considering most of humanity as unprocessed meat-puree, over-populating a planet to which it is effectively cancerous, and being concerned for the reasons a lot of young women have for aborting. Of course, if it wasn't for religious morons becrying the use of contraceptives and/or appropriate sex education, this wouldn't be such a concern[/quote] The over-populated earth theory is such hogwash. The world will never ever be over-populated with persons. Simply because lots of persons die everyday. And the world it just too big with a bunch of empty land mass all over. Whoever started this idea/theory/excuse never really researched. A human baby shouldn?t have to be murdered because the mother will not take accoutabiltiy for what she conceived for lack of planning. [quote]On the flip-side, I wonder how many murderers, rapists, drug-pushers, and child-molesters weren't aborted by parents clearly incapable of raising a child in a manner befitting a 'proper' member of society.[/quote] I guess Jeffery Dahmer, Ted Bundy or Charles Manson?s parents knew their sons would become monsters. So they should of aborted them just in case. See how silly your statement sounds. [quote]Soo...you support Capital Punishment for Abortion, should it be made illegal?[/quote] I am against capital punishment period. I believe a human person does not have a right to take another human life with intent. Even when he is a meance to society. I only believe it be necessary and ok in self defense in protection of self or others. [quote]Or are you saying that the punishment should be that for Pre-meditated Murder according to the State where it is being tried in? (Often Capital Punishment, but also Life Imprisonment, etc).[/quote] In the case of a woman who chooses to harm another human be it in her womb, I believe she is destroying a unique created part of herself which can never be duplicated or re-created. She is in a sense destroying herself in the spirit/conscienceness which has attached itself to her. She knows not what she does to the body human when she exterminated the beating heart of the life she was given to co-create, to protect and to nuture. Because she chooses to terminate her pregnancy, she harms in most painful brutal way a defenselss tiny creature that means her not harm. She violates his right to be born, to live, to procreate and contribute to humanity. Therefore she murders with free will intentionly to harm not just anyone but someone who belongs to her in body, mind and spirit from day one. This is why the act is a most tragic deed. If the act of abortion would be become illegal, the punishment would be prosecuted in a different way in regard to a case compared to a rapist/murderer. You cannot compare the two. One would be judged in regard to the convienence of the mother. Because to bring her child into the world would inconvience her. The doctor would be judged in regard to performing the act with the assistance of the mother. So I presume they would be judged as co-defendants in the act. In general regard all capital cases of murder in regard to the death penalty, chances for rehabilitation(let there always be hope and not throw away the key). A life prision term or a jail term to pay for the degree of crime would be the way. As it is now. [quote]As I see it, it is yet another case of the Religious forcing their beliefs on others, wrapped up in a legal binding.[/quote] As I see it you always try to base your view to counter the opionions or views in regard to religion or faith issues. Lets take God/Religion out of the picture in the act of Abortion. Morally, it is a wrong and bad thing to do to destroy potential humanity. How can we live in a society and expect to prosper as a race when we kill/murder our own race of people? Are we no better than the Mayans, Aztecs, Nazis, Tutsi/Hutus, etc who massacared, mudered and wiped out in genocides for a common purpose? And in the rights of aborting babies, the most defenseless, is the right to defend our freedoms in regard to our own bodies, worth the murder of millions & millions of unwanted babies murderd since 1973. I don't believe so. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/3156]jade[/url] on 01-31-2008 21:15)[/small]
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