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WS Well I am a descendent of Mexican/Spanish ancestery, but I don't go around calling the Mexican/Spanish people, past, present or future "my people" I am an American and embrace the American culture, even though the land I am standing on (Texas) was once Mexico. So, as you say "my people" never migrated or went anywhere. As far as culture, I do practice certain rituals and eats of that culture in regard to family and spirituality. This is way off the subject but how do you determine that you are of Cherokee ancestery? Most anglos at my husband's job claim to be of different kinds of Indian descent by percentage and I don't understand how they can determine that. They are so proud that thier forefathers came from real Americans, but we are all mutts. I am no way in position to determine how much Mexican or Spanish I am by percentage. I really have never cared. There was intermingling of many different countries in past histories here in the states from abroad. So can you tell me how much Cherokee you are and what else you are? If you are a lot of Cherokee why do you choose to live out of American reservations? [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/3156]jade[/url] on 02-01-2008 14:26)[/small]
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