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[quote]This is a slow. horrible way for a young girl to die. As soon as abortion became legal, the number of back alley abortions dropped way down and you very rarely hear of people thinking that they need to go to an uncertified practitioner. The legalization of abortion has rather, than increasing the number of abortions, made them much safer.[/quote] I agree, but can you consider this? To die with a saline burning solution poured all over you in the womb when you an feel is a terrible way to die. To be picked and prodded and torn to pieces while you are alive is a horrible way to die. To have your head pulled out of a secure waram place and have a sharp object pierced behind your head is a terrible way to die. Sure the abortions are made much safer, but for whom, surly not the innocent child to be born. How do we make it safe for the person in the womb to be safe? Do you have suggestions? The solution is to end abortions and encourage the mother to have the child and if they do not want the person, give it to someone who can love and care about the child. I wish I could open up a place where women who cannot care for their children can give it to me in this place where they can be loved, nourished and protected. And have society, and the community adopt them?like parents and godparents. That way they can have lots of love to make up for their mom not wanting them. Maybe in the future this can happen. I really don't understand the mentality of persons who say "Yeah...I am against abortions (meaning I don't think its right to kill those innocent babies, but I cannot tell a mother what to do with her own body so I will just be content to just say " its not my problem, its hers, let her deal with it and if the baby dies as a result its on her conscience not mine" so I will not counsel her to have it and give it to someone that can care of the baby and love it like its own." If she says no, at least I tried to save the baby from a horrible death. I don't understand how those doctors can just put those babies in trash bins who are human looking even if persons say they are not and not think the thought "should I be helping someone terminate a viable life who looks very human and just throw the corpse in the trash?" And since it would be too hard, confusing and complicated to prosecute those in illegial abortion crimes, lets just keep it legal and make it easier for society but just killing the babies to make the system work easier. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/3156]jade[/url] on 02-04-2008 18:03)[/small] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/3156]jade[/url] on 02-04-2008 20:11)[/small]
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