OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
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As I said in my opening post, my views may be a little inflammatory but...there you go. I'm not a big believer in the sanctity of life; the entire belief is entirely arbitrary. I mean, consider a sperm. Is killing a sperm evil? I can only assume not too many people have qualms about it, or we'd hear more attempts to bring every one to fruition ;) A zygote? So it has 2 sets of alleles. Joy. This is no more "human". This process continues, and we have to have an arbitrary cut-off point, of course, or we'd be murdering adults. But this cut-off point is just that, arbitrary. As poi says, babies can survive their infant months in inhumane conditions thanks to early labour...so the cut off point is too early as they ought to have been aborted? Or they survive so it's too late? Meanwhile, the decision that "higher-level brain development begins to commence at about 23 weeks" again seems entirely arbitrary. Why is this the point at which it becomes 'wrong'? So there is a subtly different set of chemical processes taking place in the foetus's brain. This is the core of the problem: most people have some innate belief in a soul, or something of this kind, that distinguishes adults from a zygote. But a human adult is simply a more complex structure of physical and chemical reactions. Why can't *everybody* agree on *any* rational time in the process to stop abortions? Because there isn't one. At least...this is how it seems to me. (personally I'd like to call myself staunchly pro-choice...except that most people with that moniker are equally as irrational and insane as those with the opposite point of view. But you get the idea). [url=http://www.wrayal.org][img]http://www.wrayal.org/JS/asylum.JPG[/img][/url]
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