OZONE Asylum
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You have yet to answer my question, instead of quoting nazis and digging deeper in delirium. [quote] people are allowed on this planet only when their presence does not inconvenience [/quote] Having the babies of a rape for a teenage girl, to quote one very legitimate case, is not *exactly* an inconvenience. Having the baby of her own father, for a child who is victim of abuse, is not *exactly* an inconvenience. Having the choice between medically assisted abortion, and burrying their second baby alive, is not *exactly* an inconvenience for peasants of the chinese countryside, who have little or no means to prevent the pregnancy to begin with. This sadly is reality - the reality you can see when you look anywhere else than "up to the sky" (Is it a bird? A plane?) So, again, eventhough you seem to care more about reinventing the holocaust than actually reading other people's opinions : [b]How good is it, according to your God, to condemn such people to live the hell they would be put through?[/b]
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