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MovieClip properties shown as undefined.
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Hi there, I've a MovieClip ("play_button") that acts as a button on my stage, it overlays another MovieClip ("video_player") that plays a loaded video swf using MovieClipLoader. My problem here is that although my play_button does respond to events, I can't seem to set its properties such as _visible, when I trace out this property I get "undefined" returned. Here's some code... [code]private function onLoadInit() : Void { video_form["video_player"].stop(); video_form["play_button"].onRelease = OnPlayReleased; } private function OnPlayReleased() : Void { trace("Play released pressed"); trace("play_button._visible: "+video_form["play_button"]._visible); video_form["play_button"]._visible = false; trace("play_button._visible: "+video_form["play_button"]._visible); trace("making play button invisible"); video_form["video_player"].play(); }[/code] Now, when my play_button is pressed, I do get traces output as the OnPlayReleased function requests, so I know it's bubbling through. the interesting thing is, that firstly, my play_button does not respond to its _visible property being set to false (both traces output undefined here). and my video_player does not start to play. I can't work out why this would be the case, and I've played with writing this in another way but I have similar results, is it a question on scope here? Any help and pointers would be really appreciated. Cheers, [img]http://www.geocities.com/blaise69dude/images/BlaiseSig.gif[/img]
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