OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
To be certified or not certified ... that is the question...
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Hi guys, well I've been lounging on this hectic job for almost a year and a half. The pays is well ok and since I haven't whined much on any payment increment and since its high time I got one, my boss put forward a proposition for me. He's really interested that I do a zend certification program [actually he thinks It'll make me a better coder] and he's interested in sponsoring completely the zend certifcation study program for me. Its a 2255 dollar package. Where I live 2255 dollars is a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooot of money, he's willing that I take the course become a zend certifed - however he won't increment my salry during the course - but he would consider incrementing it AFTER the course provided I show some better progress in work and all. The course details are here on the zend site [url]http://www.zend.com/en/store/php-training/[/url] He of course requires that if I agree I not leave the company for a stipulated period - frankly I'm not so sure what to say. I'm an ok programmer though although not zend certified - but then again how much good would a zend certification do provided that even now I can hack my way around to get the job done somehow or the other...
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