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Savage 2 - PC Game
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Hello everyone, As you may or may not know, i'm a bit of a gamer. I don't like the new trendy mmorpgs scene, or the public orientated "industry quality" thematic games. And as such, from being a hardcore competitive level gamer, i've become a bit of a relaxed retro gamer. Still, once in a while something comes along that catches the eye. Some attempt at greatness. And here it is: http://savage2.s2games.com/movies/25_medium_28.html Im doing this hoping such an attempt doesn't go unnoticed. So the game doesn't become one of those great games that gained cult status post mortem (Planescape Torment, anyone?). This is Savage 2, a fresh online, one time payment, TPS-FPS-RTS-RPG-with-a-hint-of-MMORPG hybrid. Imagine a game like Warcraft 3 or Starcraft or Age of Empires, where each unit is controlled by a different player. This should give you the right idea. You get a 4 hour demo trial for creating an account. The learning curve is a bit steep, but try to have fun while learning. More information on the site. http://savage2.s2games.com/media.php?t=m This one, if you are any sort of gamer, is worthy of attention. Enjoy. [img]http://savage2.s2games.com/ss/ss118.jpg[/img] [img]http://savage2.s2games.com/ss/ss117.jpg[/img] [img]http://savage2.s2games.com/ss/ss116.jpg[/img] [i]~this is not a signature~[/i] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1639]Arthemis[/url] on 02-02-2008 04:00)[/small] edit: my ingame name is [b]SSarah[/b] . Please refer me. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1639]Arthemis[/url] on 02-02-2008 05:46)[/small]
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