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Savage 2 - PC Game
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Sorry - missed the Linux question, Blaise. You'll be pleased to know that there [i]is[/i] a Linux client for Quake Wars. There is a handy FAQ [url=http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/etqw/]here[/url] along with download links for the retail and demo versions. I should think that so long as your machine meets the minimum spec, the Linux client should prove as good as (if not better than) the Windows client. I'd recommend trying the demo even if you're sure your machine is up to it. I've only played QW sporadically since I bought it, myself. It feels like a faster, more arcade-like Battlefield game, but I'm already (and still) hooked on 2142. I must admit though - Quake Wars is great for a giggle. It still makes me laugh when you fail to win a round and the Strogg announcer exclaims in a gruff voice that... [quote]...the Makron will not be pleased... as you will discover [i]when he eats you![/i][/quote] :D EDIT: On another note - even if the standards you expect are rather high, there may well be a free FPS out there that has that graphical 'wow' factor you seek. I plan to download and try-out a few when I have the time. I'm adding [b][url=http://www.joinfear.com/main]F.E.A.R[/url][/b] to my list, as well as the total W:ET conversion mod called [b][url=http://www.truecombatelite.net/]True Combat: Elite[/url][/b] which sports some pretty nifty graphical upgrades along with a modernised weapons load-out and all-new gameplay. I'm also interested in the BF2 contender, [b][url=http://warrock.gamersfirst.com/index.php]War Rock[/url][/b] - but this appears to be one of those 'play for free, pay for extras' games... EDIT (again): More on-topic, if you fancy a butchers at something completely free, with elements of Savage (FPS/RTS crossover), Gloom (the excellent Q2-based game to which I was introduced by my fellow asylumnites), and Natural Selection, [b][url=http://tremulous.net/]Tremulous[/url][/b] appears to have it all. It has a Linux client, a large and growing community, and apparently rather spiffy graphics for a Q3 engine based game. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 03-28-2008 18:57)[/small]
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