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Catle Wolfenstein ( continued )
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[quote] [b]poi said:[/b] Looks like the big bottleneck in FF3b2 is the blit. Since I don't know how many reflow occur in FF, I can't know for sure if it's purely a blit issue or if this is more serious like some CSS updates not being optimized and a/some reflow occurs although none of the style property I touch should trigger a one. Alas it's not the only thing going wrong. JavaScript itself seem a little slow with a 3 fold difference on pure JavaScript processing of the lines 8->11. It might be the extensive use of variables with different scope.[/quote]I have not done any concrete tests on this, but I had a script for a DOM transformation mechanism that, in it's first iteration, was very reliant on variables in different scopes. I later separated out all the functions to the global scope and sent the values I had earlier used through scoped variables as arguments, and the result took less than half the time to transform a big document (>50k nodes) than the original. There could exist other sources for the speedup than variable lookup, though, but I didn't really make any changes to the processing. -- var Liorean = { abode: "[sigrotate][url]http://liorean.web-graphics.com/[/url]|[url]http://codingforums.com/[/url]|[url]http://web-graphics.com/[/url][/sigrotate]", profile: "[url]http://codingforums.com/member.php?u=5798[/url]"};
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