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You should design for a specific width, but as poi said, it should be fluid. Know that less than 10% of the world uses settings of 800px or less. Here is how to design for common screen resolution, to be specific in the width you decide, and be fluid: Right now, most people in the world use a screen setting of 1024, or greater. You should design for the greater audience, meaning 1024. This does not mean that you should set the sites width to 1024 though, or 1000. That is not a fluid design. To design for a specific width and still be fluid you must use percentage. If you want a site that appears to be 900px wide on a 1024 monitor you set the width to 88%. 900 x 100 / 1024 = %. It's as simple as that. Now your site will be look just the way you want based on how most people will see it, and it will adjust to those monitors that use alternate settings. Subscribe to my full feed RSS for [URL="http://feeds.feedburner.com/BestWebImage"]Usability Tips and Site Reviews[/URL] Get My [URL="http://www.bestwebimage.com/?page_id=45"]Basic Usability & Design Analysis[/URL]
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