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LCD Monitor disappointment
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I have Samsung SyncMaster 225bw (22") I'm not using the default settings but I had problems with "White saturation test" where I could see only the 1. one, "Inversion test" 4a flickered, "Viewing angle and gamma" the text was pretty distinguishable from the background, "Viewing angle and brightness" displayed a little bit of gradient with the first 2 colors. Overall I'm very happy with it. I'm not saying that this would be a good monitor for a professional graphic designer but it's cheap, games and movies look great and I have no particular problems with Photoshop. If you need something really really good for your job then yeah I guess you get what you pay for. Look for reviews and comparisons on the web. OT: I use/buy Samsung monitors and tv-s, Logitech mice, computer speakers, game controllers and webcams, Canon cameras, printers and scanners and Apple mp3 players. So far these companies haven't let me down so I'm sticking with them. I generally prefer a little bit of luxury and pride of ownership over a smaller price tag.
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