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NLP - episode II, truely entering the Matrix
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You heard me saying the acronym/words a couple of times. [b]Neuro Linguistic Programming.[/b] Is a very complex and new research topic. It does allow reprogramming minds - hypnosis, drug rehab, marketing, articifial intelligence, management, sales, seduction ALL use it to a degree, and they're not the only areas where it applies. (But what the hell does it have to do with webdesign - EVERYTHING, on both the coding and the branding fronts). Its controversial : food for lots of debates, because it applies psychology to changing minds, it crosses the line of acting on the mind explicitely. Some amazing synthesis of NLP and Neuro Semantics I just found, from a drug rehab methodology I am investigating as I prepare a mini-conference about NLP in uni : http://www.nlpanchorpoint.com/pearsonMatrix_Hall.pdf And it starts like : [quote] Morpheus: You know that something is wrong with the world. You can?t explain it, but you feel it, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. Neo: The Matrix? Morpheus: Yes, the Matrix. The world has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. Neo: What truth? Morpheus: That you were born into slavery, into a prison you cannot see or smell? a prison of the mind? Unfortunately, no one can tell you what the Matrix is; you have to see it for yourself. Take the Blue Pill, and you will wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. Take the Red Pill and? I?ll show you how deep the Rabbit Hole goes. In [/quote] ...Count on me to dare show you how deep that rabbit hole goes indeed ;) [url=http://www.beyondwonderland.com][img]http://www.beyondwonderland.com/images/logo_golden.gif[/img][/url]
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