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So long HD DVD
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My point about power.org, in more details : The Cell architecture of the PS3 is one of the power.org standards - against Intel : [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_microprocessor]Cell chips.[/url] The real aim of the initiative is to make hardware and software abide to [b]interoperable[/b] standards. So they can make real compatible technology, and evolve on the technology market with safe business practices - no monopoly possible here. [quote] Power Architecture is a family name describing processor architecture, software, toolchain, community and end-user appliances [/quote] So, in business terms : 1) Sony uses Blu Ray and promotes it as OPPOSED to MS'HD. 2) Sony opens up the PS3 to Linux - various flavors at that. (vs Vista). 3) Sony relies exclusively on Java for the distribution of their upgrades, and other web features. (vs .Net) 4) IBM are promoting, still, and discreetly backing up the distribution of Eclipse - a major contender to Visual Studio, probably the only meaningful one. 5) And so on and so forth - IBM also are currently the first IT consulting firm in the world I think, thanks to massive recruitment in India. 6) I doubt, but cannot verify, that the PS3 is compatible with DirectX (even if it physically is, I suppose Sony foster usage of the OpenGL ES API - in unofficial development kits, only that one is available and I don't see MS providing developers with development tools ported to PS3). All these companies, very active now in hardware "open standards" (Cell and power.org) and software open standards (Eclipse and OpenGL). They simply respond, very naturally, to Microsoft keeping their stuff closed and plotting for embedded control hardware in desktop pcs.
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