OZONE Asylum
Registry Cleaners - Do these things really work?
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Short answer: [b]NO![/b] Windows is quite capable of maintaining the registry. Whenever you leave your machine idle, registry defragmentation is just one of the tasks it undertakes. I can't tell you the amount of time I've wasted on having to fix serious issues caused by so-called 'registry cleaners'. If you really have an issue with the registry, you'll be able to specifically determine the root of it, and fix it manually. Automatic registry fixing software simply causes more problems than it claims to fix. On the other hand, if there are no obvious problems (related to the registry or otherwise), then you have no need of the software anyway. BSoDs are not (or at least, are very rarely) caused by registry problems! The ads you are seeing when you perform these searches are just that; adverts. _____ Before you go mad and re-install the entire system just to discover that you're still getting BSoDs, please check your hardware and hardware settings, run a system file check, and eliminate any recent driver installations as the cause. I would wager that it's far more likely a hardware/driver issue than a software one. BTW - have you taken note of the error given during the BSoD? This isn't just a screen of gibberish, but outlines the cause of the error. If I can be of help, I'd be happy to.
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