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Registry Cleaners - Do these things really work?
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[b]White Hawk[/b]: It's not defragmentation that registry cleaners do. It's cleaning up the actual content of the registry, removing cruft, leftover and unused keys, adding some keys to block some trojans etc. Mostly they clean up after installers and uninstallers that leave keys that aren't useful any more. Also, when you do a systems defrag for the first time you'll find Windows doesn't do a particularly good job of preventing registry fragmentation at all. If you never install anything though, you'll of course not find it fragmented. (In other words, systems defrag is something that is useful when you have just done a full system install, but if you're not installing things often, it's probably something that won't help particularly after you have done it once.) But you're right. Registry problems don't directly cause BSoDs very often. Hardware, drivers or sloppily programmed applications are the most common causes, not the registry. BSoDs are caused by kernel mode irrecoverable errors. User mode irrecoverable errors just kill the process, not the system. However, the registry contains settings and instructions for programs and services, and those can make programs cause these kernel errors. It's mostly a problem in spyware and malware riddled systems though, not in well managed systems. -- var Liorean = { abode: "[sigrotate][url]http://liorean.web-graphics.com/[/url]|[url]http://codingforums.com/[/url]|[url]http://web-graphics.com/[/url][/sigrotate]", profile: "[url]http://codingforums.com/member.php?u=5798[/url]"};
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