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Philosophy and other Silliness
Could science and religion walk hand-in-hand?
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Very exciting discussion altogether. [quote] Are you sure about that? So you do no think that we, as humans, have the concept of Good and Evil in our genes somehow? Couldn't it partly be what made us different from apes in the first place? [/quote] Yes, and no. Actually : we are not ONLY animals, but we are, first and foremost, animals. I think that, in our genes, we are engineered to do the same things as other mammal species : mate, hunt, prey on, parent, etc. The bias of moral standards is introduced by something else : -------------------------------------------------------------------- Our kids need YEARS to develop to the adult stage. So they require appropriate bonding of two parents during that time, thus, we need to enforce SOCIAL STRUCTURES to protect that (thing called family). Look at the world around you : shaken families make for unhappy kids who turn into adults with difficulties to adapt. The Bible was a wonderful mass control tool at some point - the point when sparse groups of humans had to connect in order to evolve further. But the very same bible HAS grown obsolete in parts - and still applies in many other parts : thus, people trying to read it AS IS do not live in the now (and in my beliefs, by pushing reality, have it bounce back and hard at them). [quote] I am not too aware of other religions, but Christianity is to me an anti-religion altogether, [/quote] Wow, a tigress in action :) Stop that honey, we REALLY can't get married this week. I have the same difficulties as you - but I can't generalize this way, I refuse. The need to believe was discussed in another thread as something good - the object of that belief, to me, should not be a "human faced God". But I respect their freedom to believe in that if they want to. You summed up the problem pretty well : some people need a belief so far OFF of reality because... reality hurts, scares, and bites. And it does. But it does in your garden as well everytime an ant dissects a living spider, for instance - it is MEANT to be this way. You and I just happen to be able to accept it. [url=http://www.beyondwonderland.com][img]http://www.beyondwonderland.com/images/logo_golden.gif[/img][/url]
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