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Could science and religion walk hand-in-hand?
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Absolutely, Jade - controversy is not BAD : it is room for exchange, having the courage to stand criticism is ok. Both ways. Sincerely. You are welcome to this debate as any other, I am expressing my point of view and welcoming yours. At least, by now, I (hopefully) have managed to show you that expectations about me can hide surprising things, so in the same vein : I am just saying expectations can be disappointed, and the truth may not always be "just" what we see or believe to be true. Regarding this question : [quote] If you follow a code of ethics, why? [/quote] I adressed a little part of that one already. Well, I am a person who has a rich dating life, I could well spend the next 50 years meeting hot girl after hot girl, in full respect and honesty, and enjoy the experience. I am "created" with desires, intense, this is my instinct : in no way does it differ from an animal's instinct - my carnal self wants to eat, sleep, mate, and I do not see it as sin - I see it as the nature given to me, in your perspective, this desire would be a "gift from God". Inside me is an animal that I accept as part of my nature. I want children though, and a child needs two healthy parents in a healthy relationship to grow ok. I want the best for my children. So when I find the right mate, believe me, she will be queen in my kingdom - and my partners generally do receive much dedication from me. So my ethics here will come into play in "family" terms to allow the mind/soul of my children to blossom - FIRST and FOREMOST. I think "ethics" are a society thing, not a thing "delivered by creation" : but desires, drives, anger, passion, etc. These are flesh and this very flesh comes from what many, including you, refer to as "the creation". In other words : your God built me with desires, why would he do so if I was meant to repress those all the time? But since I have human fellows, I must respect their freedom - and that is where ethics are needed. This said, some animals are extremely attached to the humans close to them : there is that cat, completely wild to 90% of the population, "Chipie". Whenever I am around, she will come to say "hello" to me and she DOES have ways, very clear, to do this. I once saw a cat tamer, weird as it gets, able to communicate the emotional language of cats : closing your eyes is equivalent to smiling to them. When they put their neck in your hand, they are saying "hello" because they deposite their scent on you and can easilly recognize you all through the "caress" stage. He could talk to them so perfectly they would do all sorts of wild figures for him - although cats are independent and "snob" animals in essence. ..... Now, kimson brought up the most important question to me : "if the purpose of life is to shake and change the universe, and transcend it, then what's next?" . . .
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