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Philosophy and other Silliness
Lucifer? (A bit of philosophy/A bit of Silliness)
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I can't offer a christian perspective, but I can offer an educated one. [quote] [b]Gilbert Nolander said:[/b] Perhaps God is evil and is trying to control the human race for his/her/its greedy reasons? [/quote] Since there is no god(s), I really can't offer anything on that one... It's like asking me if I think the Easter Bunny has honorable intentions or not. [quote] [b]Gilbert Nolander said:[/b] Perhaps Jesus' true teachings have been suppressed to help blend the Old and New Testaments into one?Do you think that perhaps Christians are being decieved? [/quote] There is no question that the teachings of Jesus have been very highly manipulated, and many writings that have as good a chance, or better, of being somewhat authentic have been suppressed for very many centuries. His "true" teachings? Who can say... The scriptures we have were written so long after the fact, there is no evidence that can possibly hint at what level of connection they have to the actual person, if any at all. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/163]DL-44[/url] on 03-17-2008 13:51)[/small]
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